Sunday, October 14, 2012

Always Making Me Smile

Two or so years ago Luz played on her first soccer team.  The first couple of seasons amounted to nothing more than herding cats really.  This year things are different and talent, effort and heart all play a big role.  I love watching Luz play because she never stops trying.  She listens to her coaches, processes the rules and does what she can to master the skills.  Bit by bit over the past few weeks I have watched her gather up the courage to protect her space with a polite elbow and garner the confidence to go after a ball well within the control of an opponent, all while the game itself is starting to click.  More than anything, she wants what any kid out on the soccer field wants, a goal.  They aren't easy to come by though.  There are probably no more than 2 dozen in the entire season and many girls with longer and faster legs, but she doesn't give up and while she tries she gets stronger and faster and more aggressive and her love for sports grows.  I feel lucky to be on the sidelines watching it unfold, sort of amazed that this little kid who could barely get in the mix just a few years ago is making some cheer-worthy plays.

Yesterday the fly was blocked off for a race and the only way to the soccer field was to park a few blocks aways and walk.  Instead of parking just a few blocks away, we just left the car (and James) at mom-mom's and walked. The walk was probably a mile there and a mile back, and she dribbled the soccer ball the entire time, and grinned ear to ear when a passerby told her she had great ball control.  Even after running up and down the soccer field for an hour, she never complained about the hike ahead of us.  She did it all with a smile and an admirable attitude and it is one of the things I love so much about her. She is all heart.

Lucy - first soccer season - 2010:

in 2012:

Go Girl!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

She is such a sweet, loving & caring girl and i am so happy i had the chance to meet her, she is also beautiful & so polite, we enjoyed every minute of her visit.