Sunday, August 10, 2014

This Hurts My Head & My Heart

Someone please teach me how to make time slow down a bit.  It is just like I was warned, those sweet-sad eyes said it all, but I was oblivious.  And now here it is, racing by, and I have to remember to try and catch my breath, make the memory, and have some hope for whatever is infinite.







I completely forgot to pack the "real" camera and had to take the 2014 pic with my iphone.  All things considered, it is not too bad (I did not even get a chance to edit it).  James looks like such a big boy in this picture.  I am not sure I will be able to convince him to pose for these annual pics in the future.  This one took some effort and was groan inducing.  Mamas can be such buzzkills.

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