Sunday, September 27, 2009

When I Turned 36

Last Friday I turned 36 years old. I feel very old. I have felt very old since I turned 30. I guess now I sort of am old-ish so it is okay to complain. I remember when I was younger my dad would complain that he couldn't sleep late anymore because it made his back hurt. For the past month my back has ached every morning as I get out of bed. Either I am getting old or we need a new mattress. It is ten years old so I am hoping it is the latter.

We spent the weekend celebrating in as low-key a manner as possible, thankfully. I am just not one for fanfare at all, at least fanfare directed at me. On Friday night we had dinner at Crepe Nanou with mom. James and La Luz were total champs. I think James was by far the better behaved of the two, but I know not to expect too much from La Luz at 6:30 on a Friday.

I didn't get to sleep late either morning (the whole back pain issue) but I didn't need to. I was looking forward to spending time with La Luz and James anyway. As I was tickling James on Saturday morning I discovered that his top, front teeth are breaking through. It explains the waking up in the middle of the night thing and the generalized fussiness. I was getting exasperated and all along he was teething. Poor guy. I am sure he would've benefited from Tylenol and Anbesol for the past few nights. Lousy mom.

On Saturday evening we went to Oktoberfest. It is technically not October and the weather is not festy in the least, but we figured it might be our only free Saturday in October and took advantage of the free night. The weather really was awful. It rained off and on all day and then the sun came out. It was the nastiest mix of humidity and heat imaginable. I guess it was about 91 degrees, sunny, and then a bit drizzly. Just awful...but then there was this:

and we all thought it was amazing.

La Luz, waiting so patiently for the chicken dance:

James, making me even sweatier:

James and me with Bit, his first love, and Tiffany:

James, grabbing at Uncle Richmond:

I was a nasty, sweaty mess but we had a great time and ended the night at Brocatos with Catherine, Richmond, and Meenokshi...perfect way to wrap up a very hot birthday weekend.


Anonymous said...

The pics of the children are a delight and I am so happy that you had a wonderful birthday weekend.
Love to you all

Kitty Brown said...

Looks like a wonderful weekend -- hope it was a blast, we are so thankful you were born!

ummmhello said...

Happy birthday to you :) 36 is so not old.
Looks like Octoberfest was a great time! I can't wait to make my way back down to NOLA, I've missed it.
As always, La Luz and the man are amazingly adorable!