Sunday, November 28, 2010

Giving Thanks

We just got back in town after 4 days of total relaxation. We visited with family we get to see too rarely. We took long walks in the cane fields and to visit the horses. We picked oranges and grapefruit...what happened to the satsuma crop this year? We ate delicious home-cooked meals and shared them with loved ones. We read books and magazines. We cuddled under blankets on a very cold, gray day and ran around in the sunshine in short-sleeved shirts.

It was absolutely perfect and, thus, all that much harder to get back to reality. But, we have plenty of reminders of a lovely weekend and why we need to be thankful.

My camera battery died earlier tonight as I tried to download some of the pictures so I had to resort to Christian's 'point and shoot' to show you some of the goodies we collected:

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