Sunday, January 02, 2011

Christmas Wish List 2010

I failed to post a Christmas wish list for 2010 because I got too preoccupied with other things so I am posting one retroactively. Incidentally, I got everything on this list, some of which I never even knew I needed!

This guy was the biggest surprise, a squeezbox...I did not even know there was such a thing and now I cannot imagine life without it (amazing how technology has that impact). At any rate, it is a radio meets satellite meets internet meets itunes and the sound is great and it is in my kitchen and I can finally listen to This American Life without having to download podcasts or drive around town. Granted, it is mostly set to Radio Disney (Luz learned how to operate it before I did) but that is okay with me.

This next gift I sort of knew I needed, in fact I asked for it, but the timing could not have been more impeccable because we spent 3 days in 40 - 50 degree weather in Orlando (yes, Florida does get cold):

And this one because my white one is permanently stained and I live in it:

All of my books and music are electronic now and I need plenty of itunes cash for the many apps I now download - what a treat!

The greatest gift this year was the time I got to spend with my family. I had extra help during Christmas vacation thanks to my siblings, multiple dinners with loved ones I do not get to see often enough, and 5 fantastic days in Disney World with more family that I rarely see. It was a very special week and one that I will never forget.
There is no doubt that vacation tends to make me rethink my life and how things are prioritized. The hamster on the wheel/groundhog day syndrome becomes a recurring theme and I start to seriously consider throwing in the towel and figuring out a way to just live each day with one goal - to spend time with the people I love and enjoy each day - something that is, sadly, just not quite possible in this little life we have carved out. I know I will adjust, a week or two back in the grind and I will forget about my daydreams, or maybe not forget, just compartmentalize - something I am quite good at...And then there will always be the pictures to remind me of lazy mornings in luxurious hotel room beds waking up to sweet little voices filled with anticipation about the adventures in store:

1 comment:

Hearing Aids said...

I really appreciate your post and you explain each and every point very well.Thanks for sharing this information.And I’ll love to read your next post too.