Monday, April 09, 2012

Awesome Stuff

James and I took a walk to CVS this evening for a few odds and ends and an excuse to enjoy the beautiful weather a little more. He loves being outside and I love taking walks so it was a perfect conversation.  He did not stop talking the entire time and while we were browsing the aisles at CVS he stumbled upon this item:

and yelled, "look mama, that is you" as he pointed to the figure on the box.  The other shopper in the aisle stifled a laugh (and I did too) but I also beamed...of all of the ways that he chooses to identify me, I love that James thinks of me when he sees an image of someone running.  I love running and I hope that one day my kids will love it too and that our evening walks will evolve into evening runs.


Kitty Brown said...

Okay, I didn't know where this post was going -- love that sweet baby boy.

Scarlet said...

Me too, Kitty - how adorable! I miss you!

amybolsas5 said...
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