Thursday, July 09, 2009

As Long As I Can See Your Face

After a bit of a fight and then a bribe or two and a short-lived stand-off, La Luz agreed to let Aunt Susan cut her hair. It is perfect and the irony of it all is that she is now obsessed with it - smiling as she catches her reflection in the mirror, touching the blunt bottom with her hands, fumbling with her barrettes...

Speaking of haircuts...

How awful is this hairdo? I am sure she has a stylist at this point and, yet, the hair persists. And it is not just the hair, it is the color too. It is an ugly trait to pick on physical appearances and I generally try to avoid it for the whole 'living in a glass house' reason, but I can't resist and I am sure it is only because her face is everywhere.

Honestly, the only way to describe it is a haircut that was popular but always consider ugly at some point around the late 80's. In fact, I think maybe my driver's ed teacher had that exact haircut, except he was a guy.


Kelsea said...

ADORABLE! I didn't think Lucy could get cuter. Aunt Susan did the impossible, though.

Kitty Brown said...

Cute, cute -- and she knows it, too! Yes, Kate's haircut is horrific.