Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mardi Gras 2010 - Part 1

On Saturday Luz put together a costume that combined a pirate with a princess and came up with the name, Hookarella. I ran a little bit of interference this morning and came up with a better combination, Glenda Tinkerbell. The result was pretty good considering it was cobbled together with hand-me-downs and limited craft supplies 10 minutes before we left the house:

I decided not to dress James up in a costume. I felt like we would be pushing our luck squishing him into the one appropriate costume we have and really didn't want to mess up the incredible Mardi Gras mojo we were having with him. He loved every minute of every parade, with a few exceptions here and there when he was hungry and/or pelted with beads. There is no doubt that the gene for the love of MG was handed down by Pop, the only other person I have ever known to appreciate MG this much. I enjoyed every minute of it, realizing that next year could be a very different story as far as James is concerned.

Mardi Gras 2010 was one to remember, filled with great memories from the Saints' victory to having friends and family around we don't see enough of throughout the year. I will post more pictures and stories too (including the compelling stories about my all-time favorite MG catches) but right now I need to chill out. I stupidly decided to go for a long run this afternoon after being on my feet and carrying around a very heavy Big Sexy way too much over the past week. Needless to say, I am paying for it now.


Kelsea said...

Adorable family photo! Can y'all adopt me please?

Kitty Brown said...

Nice work on the name change too, btw.