Thursday, December 06, 2007

OneTriangular Shaped Tree, No Flocking Please

Tonight is the last cold night for the next week or so. The temperatures over the next few days are going to reach into the upper 70s and, occasionally, the 80s. With that in mind, we decided to search for and purchase our Christmas tree earlier tonight. Neither Christian nor I have any particular likes or dislikes when it comes to Christmas trees. We both essentially agree that the tree should look triangular, but that is about as specific as we get. In past years we have had overly-dry trees, incredibly crooked trees, trees with extreme bare patches, trees with oddly growing branches, you name it. I am sure this year will be no exception. I can't quite tell what the defect will be this year because the tree has only just been released from its netting. As far as La Luz is concerned, it is perfect. Here's the look on her face when the guy held it up for our scrutinizing eyes:

She became so attached to the tree in such a short period of time that I had to make a special exception and allow her a quick trip downstairs after her bath to 'tell the tree goodnight'.

This was all great news to me because when we first arrived at the tree lot she ducked straight into the 'flocked' tree area. In all my life I had never set foot in that section. Clearly though, it was the place she wanted to be and contained the tree she wanted to bring home. She particularly liked the red flocked tree. I am not even really sure if I knew that they made such things:


Raimbaut D'Aurenga said...

That first picture at the tree lot is the cutest thing I have seen in just about forever.

Scarlet said...

What is a flocked tree? You know - I hate to be a tree snob, but one thing I was looking forward to in moving back to the East Coast was the Christmas trees! North Carolina is absolutely famous for their trees, but you can't afford them past, about, Greenville! One year, I swear we're going to the "cut your own Christmas trees!" I agree with Richmond - so delightful!

Kitty Brown said...

I concur -- what's a flocked tree?

Anonymous said...

When you said she went to the flocked trees, I thought you meant the white ones and I was going to say that is in our genes for snow!
So much for that if she liked the red one too. RED? I guess different strokes for different folks. Her expression is so darling.

ummmhello said...

She looks so determined! She KNOWS which tree she wants :)