On Saturday I took Luz and James to see Santa and I hoped for the best. It was the same exact environment as last year, James talks about Santa incessantly, and Luz fully reconciled the fact that, though she wasn't wild about the idea of getting on his lap, she realized that she had to do it in order to send a clear message about exactly what she wanted to see under the tree on December 25 (she even had me google the barking, walking dog to double-check the name and brand).
When we arrived there was a bit of a wait and they busied themselves with Christmas crafts and cookies while I waited in line. As our turn neared James started to figure out what was going on, insisted that I pick him up, and commenced with the death grip. Luz never had this but there is something about the way that James can grip the back of my neck and opposite shoulder simultaneously...I am powerless. Needless to say, Luz dutifully climbed on Santa's lap, smiled for her picture, politely rattled off her list and excused herself smiling. James...well, I couldn't even remove him from around my neck...he was like a deranged lemur. And the screaming and crying...I am sure he scared away a few kids.
Here's what happned after Santa...candy canes (which make everything better) and the comfort couch...a place for kids traumatized by Santa and mom's to work on a Christmas card photo.
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