Monday, September 05, 2011

Surviving Lee

After FINALLY beating back a virus that circulated the house for about a week we were looking forward to three days in the fresh country air, swimming, playing on the John Deeres and generally chilling out. The unpredictable storm in the Gulf over the weekend caused us to change our plans and we settled for three quiet days around the house instead. But there is not anything quiet about a 2.5 year old and there is not much that is quiet about a 6 year old who was sick in bed for three days and finally feels better. Needless to say, we all (well, almost all of us) experienced cabin fever just a few hours into our Tropical Storm Lee lock down.

Fortunately, what I initially dreaded ended up being a lovely, restful three days. I think it was a break that we all needed and there were some fabulous moments over the course of those days - lots of time to snuggle on the couch watching movies, a few mid-day runs in the cool rain through neighborhoods that are not on my usual route, walks in the rain and splashing in the puddles with the kids, blowing off steam at ASH's new gym (and a run on the new indoor track - it is incredible!), and sleep...plenty of it. I guess it is all just to say that sometimes there truly is a silver lining...and I appreciated all of this one.

James, before going stir-crazy:

James and C, ready for the UGA game:

James, playing Plants v. Zomies on the Ipad:

A trip to Audubon Park to ride bikes this evening after the sun sort of came out:

Luz, after asking C to take her training wheels off and then changing her mind...potty training and two wheel riding in one weekend is a little too ambitious considering our collective lack of patience around here:

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