Sunday, November 15, 2009

Being Thankful

Molly and Josh both managed to perfectly coordinate their busy schedules to spend a week in NOLA. Needless to say, we spent most of the weekend at mom's house visiting, enjoying a faux/pre-Thanksgiving dinner, and watching the Saints take it to 9-0. The house has been loud and chaotic and just the way I like it. There is still, though, the sense that an important piece is missing, one that is impossible to replace. I suppose that there are some things that nobody will do as well as Pop did, but we are all muddling through and trying to figure out how to fill in the gaps. Even more than that though, we are appreciating the lovely things he did that we can still enjoy, like lining the flowerbeds with night-blooming jasmine so that when the air is cool and the windows are open and our cacophony is pouring out into the neighborhood, we are surrounded by what we all agree is the most perfect scent around.

Richmond, Molly & Josh tormenting sweet Jamesy after a long night:

1 comment:

M C Brown said...

this makes me miss my family! see you soon!