Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Eve

It is amazing how much time is spent on school-related activities for someone who is three. I got home from work early today, in the door at 6 p.m. and I am still not finished all of the prep for Halloween tomorrow. La Luz and I spent the better part of the night preparing the snacks for the class because tomorrow is her snack day. I figured goldfish or cheetos, the usual crowd-pleasers, wouldn't quite cut it on Halloween so I let the bug pick what she wanted to bring. She had a hard time deciding between cupcakes and cookies but cupcakes ultimately won. Between the baking, cooling, and decorating, cupcake making is a labor-intensive and long-lasting project. Hopefully the kids will enjoy them and the hard work will have paid off.

In addition to the cupcake making, tonight was La Luz's night with the Halloween Literacy Bag. The easiest way to describe it is to say that it is like homework for someone in nursery. It is a very big deal for the kids and is always something that La Luz is very excited about. So, in addition to the time spent on the cupcakes, we spent another 45 minutes on the Halloween Literacy Bag. I will likely spend another 30 minutes printing pictures of La Luz enjoying the bag and writing a quick entry in the journal (which stays in the bag for all of the other families to read) about how awesome it was to have the Halloween Literacy Bag. The journal entry is not a must but it makes me sad to think I am too busy to document something like that for La Luz, her teachers and her class.

The night is not close to being over but at least the bug is in bed - bathed, hair dried, Halloween story read all by about 8:45. After my post I have to prepare 15 treat bags for La Luz's classmates. I made the mistake of thinking Halloween was not a big deal last year and was totally undone when La Luz came home with fairy skirts, Halloween story books, and a stuffed Pooh Bear dressed up as a pumpkin. I know better now.

Yes, I would rather watch 30 Rock and Survivor and put my feet up but I know that ultimately this stuff is more important. I just hope I can get in bed at a decent time because I have a 6 a.m. prenatal pilates class tomorrow!

Here are a few pics of La Luz from earlier tonight in her cheeky new sweatshirt from Nana. Judging by the tone she uses when she repeats the phrase, I wouldn't be altogether surprised if she acted on it one day so get ready Diane.


Kitty Brown said...

What does it say?

Anonymous said...

Thats It!!

I am going to Nana's.

And she says it with the proper if she is about to pack her bags and take to the trains for my mom's house with her stick and hobo pack.

Anonymous said...

I love it.