Monday, May 07, 2007

Jazz Fest 2007

We are all recovering from a wonderful and busy weekend with Nana, Papa-T, Susan, Marty, and Liam. Somehow La Luz was able to make it through the weekend without throwing a complete fit about having to share some of her things. She was, for the most part, a gracious host. For her part, she did a good job teaching Liam some of the more important things in her life - playing with the french doors between the kitchen and the living room is fun, peeking out of the mailbox and screaming to nobody in particular makes for good entertainment, chasing Loki around the house is a funny, and "mine" is a word that is fun to say for hours on end. When he left for Atlanta earlier today, Liam took two new words with him, "Dora" and "mine".

Everyone arrived on Friday evening and, luckily, they did not encounter any problems on the drive. I, on the other hand, should have listened to mom because I got stuck on the Northshore after my hearing when they closed the causeway for a period of time due to the terrible weather.

On Friday night we ate Theos and hung out around the house. We went to the Aquarium on Saturday morning and La Luz and Liam had a blast. It was hot on Saturday but there was a nice breeze so we walked along the river and had lunch at Cafe Maspero.

On Saturday night mom-mom and pop came over and we all had dinner together and celebrated Susan's (belated) birthday and Christian's (early) birthday with a delicious doberge cake.

Christian, Nana, and Papa-T headed out to Jazz Fest early on Sunday. Susan, Marty and I went out there with the babies in the afternoon. We should have known it was going to be a rough afternoon when La Luz was crying before we even got out of the car. I prepared Susan for what to expect but I just don't think it is possible to make someone who is 8 months pregnant comfortable at Jazz Fest. In her defense, she was a total trooper and would have stuck it out if the babies had been willing.

We spent about two hours in the hot sun trying to figure out how to make La Luz and Liam happy at the same time. It didn't work. There were a few moments of grace, however:

but for the most part, it was too much effort and we ultimately packed it in. Chris, Nana and Papa-T stuck around Jazz Fest until the end and had an incredible time. Once we got back to the house La Luz and Liam were in perfect moods sweet, happy, talkative, and energetic. Here they are picking the blooms off of the lantana plant, yet another great trick that La Luz taught Liam.

The house feels empty right now. La Luz keeps explaining to me where everyone went and then asking me to reassure her. Right now she thinks they are all 'at work', with the exception of Liam who is, maybe, looking for his Dada.

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