The weekend flew by and I sort of figured it would. The past week was so chaotic that by the time Friday rolled around I was a basket case but a happy basket case. I spent most of the weekend breathing sighs of relief and trying to clean up the house. Despite getting to sleep late on Saturday morning I am still feeling exhausted. I suppose I am just physically and emotionally drained.
On Friday night we had dinner at mom-mom and pop's to celebrate Richmond's birthday. The dinner, courtesy of Aunt Julie, was delicious. Molly even joined us - her first trip down the stairs since returning from the hospital so it made the night extra special. Here's a picture of La Luz with me and her Uncle Richmond.

Saturday was wasted doing mundane stuff around the house - a total bore. We did, however, get an incredibly large chest for the living room to put all of La Luz's junk in. It is amazing...after La Luz goes to sleep and we thow everything in the chest it looks like adults actually live in our house. Here's a pic of La Luz climbing in the half finished chest. She really has a way of inserting herself into the middle of whatever project we are working on. Oh yea, in this pic she is wearing her favorite new outfit - her Christmas present from Aunt Linda and Uncle Geddy. Why is it her favorite - because it has Dora on it of course.

On Saturday night we went to an engagement party and Kelsea babysat for La Luz. We left La Luz on the couch, cuddled up next to Kelsea watching Dora and Diego. The Dora thing is really getting old but, I have to say, she is learning Spanish which is kind of cool since neither of us is bothering to teach her any. Christian said it is almost impossible to go to the grocery with La Luz these days because Dora's face is plastered all over every bad thing you don't want to buy your kid - candy, cookies, sugary name it.
La Luz did not want to sleep on Sunday for some reaon (probably because we stayed out late the night before and decided to meet Uncle Richmond for a night cap at St. Joe's instead of going home and going to sleep - but we had a babysitter, it seemed silly to waste it) so from about 5 a.m. until I capitulated at around 6:45 she was in and out of our room, her room, our bed, and her bed. It was so early that Loki hadn't even stirred. Needless to say, it was a long, grey, rainy morning and I drank a ton of coffee while she played this game again, the opening and closing the door game. Just when I thought she was over it...

But she was so cute that it was easy to forgive her, particularly because the weekends really are my only solid, uninterrupted time with La Luz. I have to remember to enjoy every second of it, even the pre-dawn ones.

While La Luz napped late Sunday morning I decided to go out for a quick run - ALONE. It was, as usual, totally liberating to not have the stroller and/or the dog. I ran to Coliseum Square and down Magazine and I loved passing the bars where Saints fans were gathered to get ready for the game. Every person I passed had on either black or gold or a jersey. It is phenomenal to see how Saints mania has taken over the city. I love it and I loved watching the game. Even though it is not exactly what we hoped for, it is pretty close. When I watched Reggie Bush somersault into the end zone I felt better than I have felt in a long time. I was watching the game upstairs with mom-mom and Molls (well, okay, in all fairness we weren't exactly watching the game - we were chatting and I was digging into Molls' great magazine collection) and when he scored the roar from downstairs shook the floor and we cheered so loud that La Luz started dancing around mom-mom's room. It was a lovely, light moment after a long and draining week. So, thanks Saints.