Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I cannot explain to you the mayhem around here. It is impossible to determine whether this storm will have any impact on NOLA at all at this point. Nevertheless, things are crazy. There are long lines at gas stations, crowds at grocery stores, and hotels booked solid for 500 miles in each direction. Meanwhile, the storm might actually be fizzling out? Please? We haven't yet decided what we will do, if anything.


Robincita said...

We'll all be praying that the storm fizzles out....

Kelsea said...

Come to BR. I would love to play with Lucy and Loki in the rain.

Anonymous said...

No, please come here so I can see my Buttercup!!

Stacey said...

we don't have hurricanes over here in NE! Come on over and hang out with Della.....she would love to play with her cousin Lucy...and I need to giggle with Chris like we used to do when we were kids (remember the spitballs Chris??? Hmmmmm)? Anyway, hoping that the rough storm passes..........fingers, toes, and eyes crossed!